Trust in autonous cars is critical for mass adoption. Jack is a control interface for autonomous vehicles that increases trust through control. The interface allows to control the driving behavior of an autonomous vehicle as well as influencing the routing.
“How do we give people control without giving them the wheel?”
There are many challenges in the adoption of autonomous vehicles. Trust is one of these challenges. Trust is increased by giving people a sense of control. We compare an autonomous vehicle with a taxi. In a taxi you can indirectly control a vehicle through human communication. With a taxi driver you communicate your personal preferences “Can you please speed up” or “Could you take the next exit”. We believe these inputs of personal preference could improve the adoption of autonomous vehicles. We designed a haptic interface that allows you to communicate your current preferences in driving style and routing. The interface communicates what the car is doing and how it responds to your actions through haptic textures. A linear resonant actuator is programmed with different tactile patterns that you feel when using the interface. This way of providing feedback is more rich and intimate than regular vibration patterns.
- electronics
- interaction
- form exploration
- sensory exploration